Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

The Legend of room #308

Ga heran kan kalo di Indonesia itu banyak banget budaya-budaya yg belum kita ketahui. Orang pulaunya aja beribu-ribu hehe. Kali ini saya akan mengajak untuk membaca satu dari berjuta-juta legenda mistik yang ada di Indonesia. Masalah percaya atau engganya itu kembali ke masing-masing pembaca, yang penting menambah pengetahuan buat kita semua. Seengganya kan kalo ada turis nanya-nanya tentang obyek wisata satu ini kita bisa jawab sedikit, ya minimal letak dan keindahannya yg full of mystery and wonderful beach. Berikut legenda kamar #308
Legenda "Nyai Loro Kidul "
Inna Samudra Beach adalah satu dari 16 unit Inna Hotel Group dibawah naungan PT.Hotel Indonesia Natour,berlokasi di kota Palabuhanratu - Jawa Barat, tepatnya pada kawasan pantai Laut Selatan yang dipagari oleh pegunungan dengan koordinat 6°57,815'S 106°30,428'E, hutan tropis dengan lintasan sungai-sungai yang menggambarkan sebuah keindahan alam yang memikat serta sarat akan budaya dan legenda.

Satu dari legenda yang sangat dikenal berkaitan dengan kota Palabuhanratu, yaitu Legenda Ratu Laut Selatan atau Nyai Loro Kidul, yang secara singkat dapat digambarkan dalam ceritera sebagai berikut :
Konon, Jawa Barat pernah diperintah oleh seorang Raja yang sangat berkuasa, yang bernama Prabu
Ia seorang Raja yang sangat terkenal serta bijaksana. Ia memiliki seorang Permaisuri yang cantik serta beberapa orang Selir. Pada suatu hari sang Permaisuri melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan yang cantik. Kehadiran bayi kecil ini membuat mereka sangat berbahagia, tetapi hal ini tidak disukai oleh para Selir Raja. Bayi itu tumbuh menjadi besar dan wajahnya lebih cantik dan pada ibunya, ia dinamai Putri Lara Kadita dan dia akan menjadi ahli waris dari tahta kerajaan ayahnya. Oleh karena itu Raja sangat mencintai dan mengasihi Putri Lara Kadita.

Sementara itu para Selir yang berusaha untuk menyingkirkan Putri Lara Kadita, membuat suatu persekongkolan. Mereka menggunakan ilmu hitam untuk menghancurkan kehidupan Permaisuri beserta putrinya yang cantik itu, dan akhirnya kuasa jahat dan ilmu hitam itu telah membuat wajah Permaisuri beserta putrinya menjadi sangat busuk serta tubuh mereka menjadi berbau busuk. Karena keadaan mereka sangat mengerikan, maka sang Raja memerintahkan mereka untuk meninggalkan istana, sebab kalau dibiarkan mereka akan membawa bencana bagi seluruh kerajaan.

Maka pergilah mereka dari istana dan berkelana tak tentu arah didalam hutan. Mereka menyusuri jalan-jalan sepi agar tidak bertemu dengan orang lain yang tanpa disadari mereka menuju ke arah selatan. Penderitaan mereka sangat berat dan tidak tertahankan, sampai akhirnya sang Permaisuri meninggal dunia dalam perjalanan pengembaraannya. Tinggallah Putri Lara Kadita seorang diri dalam keadaan putus asa. Ia terus mengembara dan mengalami banyak penderitaan tanpa seorang pun yang menghiburnya.

Pada suatu hari karena terlalu lelah dan lapar, ia jatuh pingsan, ketika ia sadar kembali didengarnya suara deburan ombak dari arah selatan. Suara ini membangkitkan semangatnya untuk kembali melanjutkan perjalanannya, lalu ia berjalan terus kearah suara itu dan akhirnya ia melihat suatu pemandangan yang sangat indah, suatu lautan yang luas dengan ombak — ombak besar yang menerjang batu karang di pantai. Lalu duduklah ia dan beristirahat di salah satu batu karang tersebut, yang kini dinamakan Karanghawu dan menjadi objek wisata yang terkenal dan berlokasi sekitar 8 Km di sebelah barat Inna Samudra Beach.

Pada saat ia duduk di atas batu karang itu, ia tertidur dan bermimpi. Didalam mimpinya ia diberi tahu bahwa keadaan dan kecantikannya dapat dipulihkan bila ia membersihkan dirinya dengan melompat ke dalam laut dan menenggelamkan dirinya. Setelah terjaga dan tidurnya, ia pun berdiri di pingggir batu karang itu dan melompat ke dalam laut. Ternyata tubuhnya pulih dan wajahnya pun menjadi cantik kembali. Sejak saat itu, ia menjadi Ratu di laut itu dan memerintah atas bagian selatan Pulau Jawa dan sejak saat itu pula ia bergelar " Nyai Loro Kidul" yang artinya "Ratu Laut Selatan".

Sebagian besar masyarakat di daerah Palabuhanratu sampai saat ini masih percaya akan kuasa yang memerintah di Laut Selatan, Maka untuk memperingati hal itu, tanggal 6 April ditetapkan sebagai Hari Nelayan bagi masyarakat kota Palabuhanratu¬Sukabumi, dimana dalam perayaannya selalu dilaksanakan kegiatan Pesta Laut (Labuh Saji) yang tujuan intinya tiada lain adalah untuk memohon agar Tuhan Yang Maha Esa senantiasa memberikan perlindungan dan kemakmuran.

Berkaitan dengan Legenda serta kepercayaan dan sebagian masyarakat, maka di Samudra Beach Hotel telah terkondisikan sebuah ruangan khusus sebagai gambaran dari Legenda Nyai Loro Kidul, yaitu kamar #308 yang didalamnya dapat ditemui berbagai perlengkapan serta lukisan yang berkaitan dengan Legenda Nyai Loro Kidul dan berasal dari para pengunjung Domestik maupun Manca Negara.

Akan merupakan sebuah pengalaman yang menarik bagi para pengunjung Inna Samudra Beach apabila telah mengetahui keberadaan kamar #308, karena dengan lebih mengetahui gambaran tentang legenda tersebut maka dapat turut melestarikan budaya dan legenda masyarakat Indonesia khususnya Jawa Barat.

Adapun adanya pendapat serta pengalaman tentang hal-hal lain yang berkaitan dengan kamar #308, selanjutnya dikembalikan kepada keyakinan dan kepercayaan yang ada pada diri pribadi masing-masing.

Sumber  : Samudra Beach Hotel 
kalau mau liat foto-fotonya please go to the link.


How’s History of Korea

Siapa sih yang ga tau korea? Negara satu ini yang terkenal dengan boyband and girlband yang kini marak juga di Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang mulai banyak digemari oleh masyarakat indonesia. Apalagi pecinta fashion of korea, ya meskipun wilayah Indonesia ga kalah interesting nya yg memiliki beribu2 pulau, buktinya ada pulau seribu hehe. Tapi di Indonesia juga banyak tempat2 yang sering dikunjungi oleh bule2 yg dateng atau istilah kerennya Turis contohnya Bali dan Lombok (jadi promosi). Balik lagi ke pokok permasalahan awal, yups korea bukan hanya karena fashion dan boy and girl bandnya aja nih, ternyata dataran korea disamping udaranya yang sejuk mereka juga punya sejarah yang menarik yg saya sajikan dengan bahasa inggris berikut History of Korea.
The history of South Korea formally begins with the establishment of South Korea on 15 August 1948, although Syngman Rhee had declared the establishment in Seoul on 13 August.
In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea which ended with Japan's defeat in World War IIin 1945, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel north in accordance with a United Nations arrangement, to be administered by the Soviet Union in the north and the United States in the south. The Soviets and Americans were unable to agree on the implementation of Joint Trusteeship over Korea. This led in 1948 to the establishment of two separate governments, each claiming to be the legitimate government of all of Korea. Eventually, following the Korean War, the two separate governmentsstabilized into the existing political entities of North and South Korea.
South Korea's subsequent history is marked by alternating periods of democratic and autocratic rule. Civilian governments are conventionally numbered from the First Republic of Syngman Rhee to the contemporary Sixth Republic. The First Republic, arguably democratic at its inception, became increasingly autocratic until its collapse in 1960. The Second Republic was strongly democratic, but was overthrown in less than a year and replaced by an autocratic military regime. The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Republics were nominally democratic, but are widely regarded as the continuation of military rule[citation needed]. With the Sixth Republic, the country has gradually stabilized into a liberal democracy.
Since its inception, South Korea has seen substantial development in educationeconomy, andculture. Since the 1960s, the country has developed from one of Asia's poorest to one of the world's wealthiest nations. Education, particularly at the tertiary level, has expanded dramatically. It is said to be one of the "Four Tigers" of rising Asian states along with SingaporeTaiwan and Hong Kong.
            Sedikit sejarah dari korea yang saya sajikan semoga bermanfaat bagi yang membaca, lebih lengkapnya cari di mbah google (istilah jadul hehe).

Question and about TOEFL

TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. The test is designed to measure the English proficiency of non-English speaking people and is divided into three sections. The test is timed for each section and uses multiple-choice questions with four possible choices for each question.
Beginning July 1995 the test of TOEFL will NO longer use:
  • Single sentences in Listening Comprehension Section, Part A
  • A subsection for vocabulary questions in the Reading Comprehension Section 

You probably know that a growing number of universities and colleges offer courses and academic study programs in English so if you want to enrol in one of them you must have a good command of the English language. This is where the TOEFL comes into play. It is the most widely used academic English proficiency test in the world. Thousands of colleges and universities use the TOEFL to test and evaluate the English language competency of their students and academic personnel. 
In addition, many government agencies, sponsoring institutions and other authorities require TOEFL scores. 
The TOEFL test measures English language proficiency in these three disciplines: reading, listening and writing. In most regions of the world you can take the TOEFL on a computer (CBT: Computer-Based Test) somewhere near your home. In areas with limited access to computer-based testing facilities you can take a paper-and-pencil version of the test.

Section 1 Listening Comprehension
This section evaluates your understanding of spoken English in North America. This section has three parts. You will have 35 minutes to answer 50 questions.
1.      Part A     30 questions
2.      Part B     8 questions
3.      Part C     12 questions 

Section 2 Structure and Written Expression
This section tests your understanding of the structure and usage of standard English grammar. This section is divided into two parts. You will have 25 minutes to answer 40 questions
1.      Part A     15 questions
2.      Part B     25 questions 

Section 3 Reading Comprehension
This section measures your understanding of reading passages with academic contents. You will have 55 minutes to answer 50 questions.

The fee for the Friday Testing Program (the Special Center TOEFL) is currently US $45.
The fee for the Saturday Testing Program (the International TOEFL) is currently US $38.
The test material for Friday and Saturday Testing Programs is identical, but the Friday Testing Program is more expensive due to the rental cost for the testing center.
All TOEFL fees are subject to change without notice.

The TOEFL test is administered 12 times a year; in other words, once a month, either on Friday or Saturday.

What is the Institutional TOEFL ?
The Institutional TOEFL is administered by colleges and universities. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) sends the test materials which have been used either on the Friday Testing Program or the Saturday Testing Program to the college or university that administers the test. The college or university that administers the test uses the test score for the placement of the students who wish to enroll in an English as a Second Language (ESL) program or for admission purposes into the college or university regular programs. Other institutions, however, do not consider the Institutional TOEFL test results valid for admission to their own ESL or regular programs. The fee for the Institutional TOEFL varies. Some institutions charge US $30 for the test.

What is the passing score for TOEFL?
Although there is no passing or failing score for TOEFL, generally a score of 400 is considered low and a score of 600 or above excellent. Each college, university, or institution has its own TOEFL score admission requirement. The score required varies depending on the field of study (non-technical or technical) and the program (two-year, undergraduate or graduate) for which you are applying. A score of 400 or above for a two-year program, 500 or above for an undergraduate program, and 550 or above for a graduate program is generally required.

Comment :
Test of English as a Foreign Language yang  disingkat dan biasa dikenal dengan istilah TOEFL, merupakan ujian kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang dikembangkan di Pusat Linguistik terapan dan di pimpin oleh ahli bahasa, Dr Charles A. Ferguson pada tahun 1964. Seiring dengan perkembangannya hingga saat ini tes TOEFL tersebut tidak hanya dipakai untuk tes persyaratan masuk kuliah diseluruh Universitas di Amerika saja, namun tes ini di pakai juga di sebagian perusahaan di Indonesia untuk syarat menjadi karyawan pada perusahaan tersebut.
Dengan demikian, seharusnya penguasaan kita terhadap kemampuan membaca, mendengar, menulis, serta berbica dalam berbahasa inggris di tingkatkan kembali dan dibiasakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, karena mengingat juga  bahwa bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang merupakan bahasa pemersatu dalam dunia internasional. Dengan meningkatkan kemampuan kita dalam berbahasa inggris, akan menciptakan SDM yang berkualitas dan mampu bersaing dengan masyarakat luas,baik masyarakat dalam negeri maupun masyarakat luar negeri khususnya, yang telah merambak di negeri kita tercinta saat ini.

Tulisan 2

Admit it, you want one: The new, shiny, extremely slim TV that you can the hang on the wall as the ultimate decoration. You have been exposed to many advertisements featuring these next-gen TVs. You just can’t get them out of your mind. You ask your self: should I throw away my old TV ? How expensive is it anyway? Well, this article will try to clear up your confusion, so hopefully you’ll make a smart decision before you buy the TV of your dream.
Plasma TV
Try plasma TV if you want to have the biggest screen available. Sizes range from 32 to 70 inches. The plasma technology allows gas trapped between two layers of glasses to react to electricity, thus produsing images. Think of a neon lamp as an analogy. Furthermore, this kind of TV consumes less electricity. Prices are still astromically high, ranging from Rp 20 million to 50 milion. However, it’s full of features like HDMI ports, USB plugs, Dolby 5.1, etc. but be careful, not all plasma TVs are HD –ready (can support HD images). After several years of use, a plasma TV will lose its clarity and color, since the gas many have diminished. This effect is similar to the freon gas problem in fridges or air conditioners. The difference is that the plasma gas cannot be replenished. You just have ti buy a new TV.
LCD TV (Liquid Crystal Display)
Slimmer than plasma, an LCD TV has screen sizes from 17 to 32 inches. It also consumes little electric energy. One complaint about LCD screen is that the screen is often pixelated, too bright, and can only be viewed from certain angles. The brightness of an LCD TV can be measured from its contrast ratio in the specs, e.g 10,000:1, meaning the screen is very bright. But you can always adjust the contrast to your liking. Prices range from Rp 9 to 20 milion, depending on the features. Don’t forget that you can also treat this LCD TV a PC monitor. After several years of use, this TV might have the problem of displaying permanent black spots on the screen. This is called dead pixels.
Rear Projection TV
A quite rare breed of TV found its place among rich people in the 1990s because of its humongous size (50 inches). It is basically aprojector, but the light comes from behind,from red, green and blue lamps. It is best used in dimlit rooms, for the picture can be blurru. Since the invention of plasma TV, however, this rear projection TV has lost popularity. But nowadays, the font projectors like infocus can also be used to project TV broadcast of high quality, albeit at a high  price.
CRT TV (Cathode Ray Tube)
This is the most common type of TV, because the technology has been around for decades since TV was invented. CRT uses a process in wich electricity transfers signals into images inside a big, heavy glass tube. Your grandpa’s TV or your parents’ are most likely CRT TV. It is cheaper than plasma TV and LCD TV , and there are hundreds of models, at prices from as low as Rp 900,000 to Rp 5 million. The screen size ranges only from 14 to 29 inches. This kind of TV also tends to be heavy,very boxy and consumes great energy. However,the picture quality is still the best: crips, colorful,solid. And it’s very long-lasting. Some TV manufactures,like samsung,sold HD CRT TV for Rp 4.9 million. That’s a good enough bergain if you can’t wait to play your future PS 3 Xbox 360
The TV is an expensive product indeed. So you mustn’t rush to buy one. Find reliable information, ask around,check out and compare some brands, and think of your primary purpose. You don’t need plasma TV if your favorite programs are mostly reality shows and sinetrons. Indonesian TV station don’t have HD broadcasting yet, so the images will look similiar to those of a standar TV. Right now, CRT TV is the most affordable, durable and offers the best quality pictures, although it’s not as stylish as Plasma or LCD. Happy hunting!
From various sources

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

From My Daddy

I wish to be with my angels again...

I yearn to be with my angels again …to share all life’s abundants, expectations and excitements with my beautiful wife Adys – with her caring eye, pleasant chords and gentle touches – whom I realized  now irreplaceable and truly mother-nature best gifts..

Eric.. the youngest amongst all, most playful with endless inquisitive mind that always capture all hearts in the family...

Rio, energetic, wanting to be independent … now with his band of friends wannabe rockers…

Ety, how she’s grown so quickly, sweet and innocent she is. .time and again displaying surprises with unexpected acts..

Puput, a fair lady in the family, brilliant always gentle and caring to shares heart for all ...

I yearn to be with my angels again … to voyage life happily, passing virtues & values,  spread love and care for amongst my children to continue…,

Alm. Erman Bin Ahmad

 Singapore- September 7th 2008, 12.16pm

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

EXERCISE A (Skills 1-2)
6.   W  The new student in the class very talkative and friendly.
The new student in the class is verry talkative and friendly
10.   On a regular basis the plants in the boxes under the window in the kitchen are watered and fed
2. Early­­­_____toes instead of hooves on their feet.
A. horses                                 C. horses had
B. had horses                          D. horses having
In this exercise, we should notice immediately that there is a subject  Early  horses but there is no verb, because the subject is Early horses so we have choice C or D. Answer C is the best answer because it is a past tense verb that agrees with the sentence past tense S+V3. Answer A , horses no verb and aswer B, had horses, not agree with adveb the sentence.